Your knowledge can help!

Submit report

Why should I submit a report?

A clear commitment to responsible corporate governance is very important to us. Alongside entrepreneurship and quality, integrity is a core value of our company and the foundation of our corporate culture. Compliance, i.e. adherence to legal requirements, voluntary commitments and internal company guidelines, is an essential element of integrity. Violations of the law are not tolerated.

In accordance with the Austrian Whistleblower Protection Act (HinweisgeberInnenschutzgesetz - HSchG) we have implemented and made available to our employees this electronic whistleblower system. Information about actual or suspected violations or other grievances and undesirable developments relating to the areas of law covered by the HSchG can be submitted confidentially and anonymously if desired.

Thank you for your support!

How does a report work, how do I set up a mailbox?

Under the menu item 'Submit Report' you can access our whistleblower system. There you will receive further instructions on how to submit a report. Once you have submitted a report, you will receive access data to your own mailbox to stay in contact with us. You can access the mailbox via the 'Login' menu item. Only you and the competent case handlers have access to this mailbox. This guarantees that your data and information will be kept strictly confidential. Please keep the access data in a safe place.

How do I get feedback?

As required by law, we will confirm receipt of your report in writing within seven calendar days at the latest. No later than three months after receipt of the report, we will inform you which follow-up measures have been taken or are to be taken, or for what reasons the report was not followed up. This will be done via the mailbox set up here.

Haslinger / Nagele Rechtsanwälte GmbH

Roseggerstraße 58, 4020 Linz
+43 732 784331-0

Mölker Bastei 5, 1010 Wien
+43 1 7186680-0